Seniors of Forsyth

Part Two: Bertha's Inspired to Help

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Thousands of seniors in Forsyth County find that they have to rely on the help of others to be able to remain in their homes, living with dignity—but that does not define their story. Senior Services is proud to launch “Seniors of Forsyth,” a video series that highlights the vibrant history and fascinating life experiences of older adults in Forsyth County, in their own words. Join us each month as we continue this series and profile a new senior participant or volunteer! 

In her own words:

“I started with my brother one day.  He didn’t have a ride so I volunteered my car and I went with him on that route and ever since then I’ve been doing Meals-on-Wheels … I enjoy their smile.  Sometimes we might be the only person they’ll see that day … That inspires me to want to go another day to see can I help somebody … I just enjoy doing Meals-on-Wheels. It’s just like a job to me … I get up early in the morning, excited about coming … Some of them are not able to go out and get this or go out to get that and they are just here for them.  And, you know, I think people should take more interest in, you know, volunteering, helping out with them … Usually I have my, I got a grandson, a great granddaughter, and a nephew, they usually be with me … They enjoy doing it.  And then the clients they enjoy the children delivering their meals … I’m just so thankful and glad that my children come with me.  They really enjoy it.  They really, really enjoy coming.  And I got one little nephew.  One day he told a client “God bless you.”  Oh Lord, that did it.  He just, he about 8 or 9 and he gave him a meal and said, “God bless you.”  That was so sweet, you know.  To instill in them that, you know, at their age they can help people too.  They can help … You never know who you’re gonna meet that really, really needs that meal for that day … One day somebody might have to deliver me a meal … During the winter months, school months  I’m with the special population children.  They need help too.  And then it just roll over from them to the elderly people … It seems to me that the more I do it, the more I want to do it. … I just like overall the people, the way they greet you, you know, the way they appreciate you and the way they want you to know they enjoy the hot meals and stuff.  I love it.  I just love it.  That’s all I can say.  I just love doing Meals-on-Wheels … and hope to go as long as I can.

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